Parenting Pointers - Is ADHD Being Missed in Girls?

Imagine that you are watching an elementary school classroom while a lesson is in progress. Many children are sitting quietly in their seats, facing forward, with their eyes on the teacher. There may be one or two who are fidgeting in their seats, calling out responses without raising their hands, making comments to their neighbors, or dropping their pencils and other belongings. The teacher pauses to give these children a little more attention, reminding them to wait their turn, stay seated, and not talk to nearby classmates. There may be another child who is sitting quietly, facing forward. She appears to be present and focused, but she is in fact lost in her thoughts and has missed much of the lesson. Though her learning may be as strongly impacted as that of the other students described above, she is much more likely to go unnoticed in the busy classroom setting.

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ADHD and social skills